Badger Technical Services
Leading change for a better world
About Us
Badger Technical Services, LLC , provides environmental and technical services to fulfill the needs of our valued government and industry customers. We offer a blend of skilled and experienced scientists, technicians and business professionals dedicated to the success of our client’s missions.
We are a subsidiary of Bristol Bay Native Corporation (BBNC), an Alaska Native Corporation with operations in government services, construction, industrial services, and tourism. |

Our Services

Environmental Consulting, Conservation, and Planning
- Endangered Species inventories, management plans, and habitat management restoration
- Cultural Resources program management
- Environmental Assessments and Impact Statements
- NEPA environmental documentation
- Programmatic environmental, safety, and Environmental Assessments for real estate transactions
- Asbestos consulting
- Asbestos abatement design and project management
- Cultural Resource evaluations
- Industrial Hygiene consulting
- UST removal and closure reporting
- Geotechnical survey
Environmental Remediation and Restoration
- Remedial investigations and feasibility studies
- Post construction services
- Landfill, water well monitoring, and maintenance
- Federal reporting, environmental planning, and budgeting
- Air, water, and wastewater program management
- Toxic material program management
- Storage tank management
- ECAMP and ECAS permitting
- Permitted facility management
- Recycling program management
- Spill prevention control and countermeasures

Laboratory Operations
Environmental Testing and Compliance
- Water and wastewater anlaysis
- Soil, sediment, building material testing
- EPA pollutants
- NPDES and WPDES compliance testing
- SW 846 analyses – VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, metals, TCLP
- Hazardous waste determination
- Asbestos testing
- Explosives testing
- Multimedia fate and transport modeling
- Analytical chemistry analyses
- Cell-based assays for military unique compounds
- Numerical modeling for water quality
- Environmental research and development of effects of munitions compounds
Technical Services
- System requirements analysis
- Performance specification development
- Acquisition program management
- Statement of Work development
- Financial analysis and budget development
- Business case analysis
- Information Technology management
- Test program design
- Test planning, execution, and reporting
- Technical training
- Systems logistics support

Get in touch with us
We are here
1826 N Loop 1604 W, Suite 350K
San Antonio, TX 78248
Phone: (210) 477-2450
Amy Shirlberg
General Manager
Corporate Information
San Antonio
DUNS: 80-434-9178
DUNS: AK 80-434-8717
FEIN: 26-172-2430
Primary NAICS: 541620
Secondary NAICS: 115310, 541330, 541519, 541611, 541712, 561210, 562112, 562910
Ethics Hotline (866) 531-7078
Corporate Headquarters
Bristol Bay Native Corporation
111 W 16th Avenue, Suite 400
Anchorage, AK 99501

A Bristol Bay Native Corporation Company